Hardscrabble is a not for profit organization and thus we do accept donations to support our mission.
If you are interested in becoming a benefactor, you can contact us at info@hardscrabbletheater.com and we can call you or meet with you to discuss your donation and how we would allocate it.
In addition to dollars, we are often in need of lighting, sound, and other theater related equipment.
Please contact us to discuss: info@hardscrabbletheater.com
Thank you for your consideration.
Note, at this time, donations to Hardscrabble are not tax deductible.
We are a fellowship of actors, artists, and technicians dedicated to providing a platform for local talent to thrive and bringing quality live theater to Long Island.
We are interested in anyone interested in getting involved.
President.......................................John Passadino
Vice President.................................Joe DiPeitro
Treasurer........................................Tina Lauro
Secretary........................................Linda Rivano
Artistic Director................................Patrick Reilly
Technical Director..............................Glenn Rivano
Trustee...........................................Kathy Becker
Trustee...........................................Gary Frey
Trustee...........................................Virginia Green
Trustee...........................................Rian Romeo
General Counsel................................William Cherno